March 10, 2015:
Population- 290 students
Number of Girls and Boys- to be determined
Discussed with school principal proposed feeding program
Assessed the school's ability to provide decent meals to each student. The cooking station of the school clearly looks dilapidated and not acceptable. It was proposed to the board that a fully functional kitchen with handwashing area should be provided for.
Currently, the classrooms were being used as dining hall.
The feeding program- Mr. Gualdalcuever, Principal, who represents the Puasinda Integrated School, stated that the previous sponsorship for school nutritional program has expired and they are currently looking for a possible replacement. The population for this school is around 290 students however the previous sponsor only allocated meal for only 40 children who were considered malnourished. The location of school is only few miles from the highway and is accessible by any kind of transportation.
Majority of the residents were indigenous people from the Manobo tribe. The main staple foods of the community are root crops, corn, rice, home grown vegetables and some fish and meat. Most family eat only one or twice a day. Some choose to bring food and consume it for both breakfast and lunch. Lunch is usually skipped while students stayed in school for 6 hour. The proposal by the school principal was submitted on his behalf and reviewed. The nutritional plan was acceptable and the cost was minimal. This will be presented to the board.
As of last year, a local organization helped the school on its dental program, however due to shortage of funding, they were only provided with toothpaste shared by the whole school. The teacher help facilitate distribution of toothpaste. The kids are able to brush their teeth once a day except on weekends when the school is closed.
It was presented to the board to provide a dentist at least once a year and dental supplies from WLJI.
Pictures provided by school principal.
Three hundred fifty CARE PACKS will be distributed to the less privileged kids. A backpack containing a shirt, short, slippers, shoes, underwear, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, comb, notebook, pencil, pen, crayon and eraser will be given to deserving kids. The items shown above are just the partial items gathered during the meeting.
This structure used to be the school canteen. We are proposing for the demolition of the structure and building of a new fully functional kitchen.
The school current condition is beyond repair.
Currently, the students are forced to use a makeshift building and cramped up space being shared by two different grades.